Quiet Riot

MM_605_MY_1217_0318a(SPOILER ALERT) For those of you keeping track, it is now April 1968 on Mad Men. First came Tet. And now the assassination of Martin Luther King (April 4). Two months to go before the death of Robert F. Kennedy. Unmentioned is Lyndon Johnson’s decision not to seek reelection just four days before the shooting of MLK, though Paul Newman voices his endorsement of Eugene McCarthy at the advertising reception. Speaking of which, congratulations to Megan Draper for winning an award, as opposed to her husband or Peggy who both went home empty-handed. (It also seems like only a matter of time before Ted Chaough puts the move on Peggy.)

How did the death of Martin Luther King affect our cast? They locked their doors and stayed inside until they could no longer watch television. We don’t actually see the fires or the rioting. But we do see an array of reactions, from the genuine grief of characters both black and white to the cynical—when did Harry Crane turn into a total asshole? Or was he always this way and it simply did not manifest itself outwardly until he grew in power? Or is he just bitter he’s not yet a partner and once that happens, he’ll settle down? I also don’t buy into Pete Campbell being incensed by Harry’s remarks. Pete is clearly yearning for his old married life and the death of MLK just made things worse.

Last week, as noted in the Wall Street Journal, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner confessed that a historical error had gotten past them when Joan mentions she made reservations at Le Cirque, which did not open its doors until 1974. (I would have gone to Lutèce.) But in this episode, Don and his son Bobby go see Planet of the Apes, which did in fact open in theaters on April 3, 1968.

Also last week we caught a glimpse of Ted McGinley. This week it’s L.A. Law‘s Harry Hamlin in the role of Mr. Cutler! Next episode I’m hoping to see Tina Yothers.

Photo credit: Michael Yarish / AMC

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