Pot and Kettle

MM_604_JA_1210_0476(SPOILER ALERT) So it’s okay for Don to have an affair with his friend’s wife but it’s not okay for Don’s wife to do a kissing scene on her soap opera? And the audacity to equate on-air kissing to prostitution! We’re getting to the point of hoping he gets caught in the act. Don can’t keep this up (so to speak), can he? As one of the Drapers’ dinner mates says, Don is “a man who plays many roles.” But for how long?

And speaking of dinner mates, Don and Megan’s turn out to be straight from The Ice Storm. Again, this notion (of swinging) offends Don. But a one-on-one session held in secret would probably be just fine. (Also, is there any easy way to bring up the possibility of exchanging partners? The awkwardness reminded me of William Fichtner’s line in Go: “So Zack, would you say you’re open to new things?”) Much has also been made of Ted McGinley’s cameo, considering his “jump the shark” curse of appearing on shows just before they get canceled. But since next season of Mad Men is the last, I’m guessing we’re in the clear.

Meanwhile, SCDP and Cutler Gleason and Chaough have ketchup stains to clean up. And though Stan Rizzo could be blamed for leaking Project K to Peggy Olson, as it turns out, the Heinz folks were entertaining still other offers, going with a much larger agency. But weren’t you hoping one of them came up with the tagline, “Anticipation”? No doubt creator Matthew Weiner would point out this was still 10 or so years away.

Photo credit: Jordin Althaus / AMC

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